Okay.. First off..
and I know nothing about incubating/hatching or raising quail. I am not looking to get into this large scale, or for profit....... I grew up on a small < 100 acre cattle farm in southern West Virginia but now live in Kentucky. My father is retired and spends most evenings sitting on his porch watching the deer and turkey feed in his pastures and hay fields. He was an avid outdoorsman, but age has now taken its toll and he cant get out like he used to to enjoy the woods and property around his farm.
I am thinking/wanting to try and incubate and hatch some bobwhite to release on his farm. Not to hunt, but just for him to maybe possibly encounter, observe, listen to and enjoy.
First off.. is this idea even remotely possible, or would I be wasting my time?
If possible... I do not have large amounts of extra money so I am looking for the most affordable way to do this. Could someone recommend a decent incubator, to possibly try to hatch between 20-30 quail at a time?
Also, If I were to hatch them here in Kentucky, could they be raised in my garage until they were of age to be transported and released on my Dads farm in West Virginia? How old would they need or have to be in order to be released and have a chance to make it on their own? How much expense time and maintenance do they require after hatching? What would be their chances for survival (-predators) after release?
I am wanting to do this several times over the course of the next few years until I can re-introduce several hundred quail (20- 30) at a time back onto the property surrounding my Dads Farm...
Please dont bash me if I am way off here... As mentioned before.. I know nothing about this. It was just something that I thought I might enjoy doing, and at the same time bring my father some enjoyment as well.
Any help, advice, would be greatly appreciated.