Hello everyone, I'm located in Rockford, just a stones throw north of Grand Rapids. I have an interest in getting into raising quail for meat. Haven't decided on what breed to get though. I have a question on the Bobwhites and the need for getting a permit to keep. I know there are a lot of different strains of Bobwhites offered, so can I pretty much figure if it has "Bobwhite" in the name it needs a permit from the state to keep? Are there a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get a permit to raise meat birds? Thank you for the info.
Your best chances are to talk with your state division of natural resources. Most likely as with other states and including WV any wild game bird whether indigenous to the state or not will also include all sub species of quail, pheasant, grouse, and chukar’s. Your DNR can tell you what is require of you prior to receiving game birds from pen size to sqft per bird and also about importing from other states. Record keeping is a major part of the game bird world.
Pheasant Hollow Farm