That Quail Place Forum
Raising Gamebirds => Individual State/Country Discussion => Louisiana => Topic started by: lamike on October 06, 2009, 11:14:21 PM
Are there any other louisianians on this forum ? dk2
How about in the ARK-LA-TEX
Pasadena, Tx. Here although soon to be Junction, Tx. tu2
I am located near Waskom, TX. It is about 20 min to Shreveport from my house.
Cool what kind of birds do ya'll raise ?
Well lets see we have.........our main stay is Jumbo Brown Coturnix primarily sold in bulk as meat birds then we have A&M Coturnix along with Bob Whites and Chukars as far as Gamebirds. We also raise Rhode Island Red chickens along with Production Reds and Americuanas. Keeps us on our toes....thus the reason we are looking to move to Junction, Tx. We need more land and its available there to us so we our selling the place here to expand there. w1
Thats pretty cool i hope that works out for you
What actually are production reds
(more eggs/ more meat ? )
I have bob whites. I am in the process of expanding my operation to include coturnix and ring necks. Where are you located in LA?
Productions Red is also called a Cherry Egger they are great egg producers big brown egg larger than a Rhode Island Red.
I am actually in haughton
I have bobs/georgia giants/chickens/ducks and some peafowl
dont know a whole lot abou pheasants but im going to have a pair of goldens soon also diamond doves
I have chukars growing out now forgot about them
Are those production red eggs larger than a Dominique's
I guess thats how you spell it