That Quail Place Forum

Our Member's Section => Off Topic Discussion and Current Event's => Topic started by: Dorothy on September 02, 2008, 01:59:05 PM

Title: Sarah Palin
Post by: Dorothy on September 02, 2008, 01:59:05 PM
I was wondering what others thought about Sarah Palin. They say she is a life time member of the NRA and a hunter...
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 02, 2008, 02:30:27 PM
Who is it?   Is it Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Hussien Barry Obama Biden Laden Barack Osamas cousin?
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 02, 2008, 03:00:13 PM
No, if I'm right, she's an Alaskan senator and she's totally against abortion even in case of rape...  s20

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 02, 2008, 03:34:28 PM
A dude can loose friends real quick talkin' politics. Especially when all the info that anybody and everybody has about anybody is nothing but lies and deceit from the start.........I'll steer clear of this garbage.  I've never met any of them, none have been to my woods, therefore I could not give an opinion as to what any of them are worth.

I could only estimate their worth.................about this much.......... c109

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 02, 2008, 03:36:51 PM
That's what I've heard on CBC...

Oh, this as nothing to do with my political opinion, anyway I'm not american and I won't vote on November so...  s020
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: birddog on September 02, 2008, 07:26:57 PM
A dude can loose friends real quick talkin' politics, especially when all the info that anybody and everybody has about anybody is nothing but lies and deceit from the start.........I'll steer clear of this garbage.  I've never met any of them, none have been to my woods, therefore I could not give an opinion as to what any of them are worth.

I could only estimate their worth.................about this much.......... c109

                                                                                                                                                                                               aint that the truth!!!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: mobe_45 on September 02, 2008, 10:33:24 PM
She's the governor of Alaska.
Yes she is a life member of the NRA.
Yes she is anti abortion. Haven't read whether there are limits on this point.
She's got a pregnant daughter.
She gave birth to another child last year.
She's 44
That's all I know about her. That's all the further I'll go on politics also.
Rather talk about quail here.
Politics can stay on the politic groups.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 02, 2008, 11:06:42 PM
She's got a pregnant daughter.

 ::)    :-o

That just makes me want to puke!  She should be stoned and thrown into the pits of hell! There's no way she could be a descent human being with a pregnated daughter! Plus, all those people from up around that part of the continents brains are frozen most of the year.

 :grin:                                                                                                               i9
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: mobe_45 on September 02, 2008, 11:12:25 PM
guess her daughter fits right in with the Clintons affair and "the dress". Stone all the ptliticians! p33 j44
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 02, 2008, 11:50:45 PM
No, if I'm right, she's an Alaskan senator and she's totally against abortion even in case of rape...  s20


  charliehorse is probably right, but since we have already established the fact that I have no friends, here goes...

  You are not right.  However, it is good to know that your lack of knowledge is not limited to Game Birds.

  1. She is Governor of Alaska, apparently hates corruption in her own party.

  2. I'm not a bit surprised that you heard that.

  That has always been P. P.'s story on everyone who doesn't spout the party line.  Multiply the number of abortions per year by $2,000 to $6,000 and you may have an idea why it's such a big deal to these people.

  I happen to know a man (very well, in fact), who is the result of a rape, of his non-murderous mother.  She was at first a scared little girl, but thanks to a loving family, and one of those hateful fundamentalist churches, became a strong woman, and a loving mother.  I would be glad to provide you with both their addresses, so you can tell them, in person, that he should have been sucked out, and squirted into a stainless steel pan!

  It is common knowledge (all over, even the liberal news) that she is a small town girl, with small town values.  She was mayor of a town in Alaska, for a few years, beauty queen, who married her childhood sweetheart, is the mother of five, including a four month old daughter with Downs syndrome, who she thoughtlessly decided not to kill.  She worked on a commercial fishing boat, hunts big game, and birds.  As Governor she told the federal Government, "If Alaska wants a bridge to nowhere, we will build it, keep your money".  Apparently, she is more pro life, than pro death.  It is interesting that, of all the volumes that have been written and broadcast, the last few days, that you would find such a tiny part of her platform to be troubling.  Are you planning to come to this country and rape someone?  Figure on taking your victim to an abortionist, a few months later, to destroy the evidence?  You haven't gotten a close relative in trouble, have you? 

  Other than that, I know about as much about her as Chuck stated (although I suspect he is a little better informed than he lets on).  Since I do Vote "in November", I will try to get around all the media hype to find out the truth about the two Presidential candidates.  I already know about one, but for some reason, the other is as secretive about his associates, and health records as Slimy Willy was.  And refuses to provide a Certified Birth Certificate.

  Just one added note, her pregnant daughter is engaged to the father (a little cart before the horse, but at least not another draw on the welfare teat).  Responsibility, hmmmm, reckon frozen brain causes that, too?  But, I've heard about it in Mississippi, and Texas, too.  It is a shame she will be "punished with a baby" as Barack Hussein O'boma said.  Interestingly, his mother was in the same position 48 years ago (although not engaged).
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 03, 2008, 12:47:12 AM
Quote from: frank_lap_127 on September 02, 2008, 03:00:13 PM
No, if I'm right, she's an Alaskan senator and she's totally against abortion even in case of rape...


  charliehorse is probably right, but since we have already established the fact that I have no friends, here goes...

  You are not right.  However, it is good to know that your lack of knowledge is not limited to Game Birds.

  1. She is Governor of Alaska, apparently hates corruption in her own party.

  2. I'm not a bit surprised that you heard that.

  That has always been P. P.'s story on everyone who doesn't spout the party line.  Multiply the number of abortions per year by $2,000 to $6,000 and you may have an idea why it's such a big deal to these people.

  I happen to know a man (very well, in fact), who is the result of a rape, of his non-murderous mother.  She was at first a scared little girl, but thanks to a loving family, and one of those hateful fundamentalist churches, became a strong woman, and a loving mother.  I would be glad to provide you with both their addresses, so you can tell them, in person, that he should have been sucked out, and squirted into a stainless steel pan!

  It is common knowledge (all over, even the liberal news) that she is a small town girl, with small town values.  She was mayor of a town in Alaska, for a few years, beauty queen, who married her childhood sweetheart, is the mother of five, including a four month old daughter with Downs syndrome, who she thoughtlessly decided not to kill.  She worked on a commercial fishing boat, hunts big game, and birds.  As Governor she told the federal Government, "If Alaska wants a bridge to nowhere, we will build it, keep your money".  Apparently, she is more pro life, than pro death.  It is interesting that, of all the volumes that have been written and broadcast, the last few days, that you would find such a tiny part of her platform to be troubling.  Are you planning to come to this country and rape someone?  Figure on taking your victim to an abortionist, a few months later, to destroy the evidence?  You haven't gotten a close relative in trouble, have you?

  Other than that, I know about as much about her as Chuck stated (although I suspect he is a little better informed than he lets on).  Since I do Vote "in November", I will try to get around all the media hype to find out the truth about the two Presidential candidates.  I already know about one, but for some reason, the other is as secretive about his associates, and health records as Slimy Willy was.  And refuses to provide a Certified Birth Certificate.

  Just one added note, her pregnant daughter is engaged to the father (a little cart before the horse, but at least not another draw on the welfare teat).  Responsibility, hmmmm, reckon frozen brain causes that, too?  But, I've heard about it in Mississippi, and Texas, too.  It is a shame she will be "punished with a baby" as Barack Hussein O'boma said.  Interestingly, his mother was in the same position 48 years ago (although not engaged).

Oh  s53 s53 s53

I only said what I've heard on radio and no I'm not planning to go in your country to go rape people! Maybe I got a lack of knowledge in Game Birds but I would lie if I would say that it's not a lack of respect from you to told me this and no I'm no pro-death okay, I can't wait the day I'll have kids but I have still right to my opinion like you have too and this doesn't mean I'm an extremist. I think you're already to old for that Wilder, but I would like to ear your opinion if you would get a friend that is 15-16-17-18 or something and that would become pregnant from a rape... But this doesn't mean I think that abortion need to be practice by whoever wants and as many time they want to!

Anyway that  s53 discussion has not that place here and I didn't thought that by writting information told by CBC would finish by being kicked by older men here.

Anyway, I only wanna puke to read those comments, deeply disapointed!

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 03, 2008, 12:47:55 AM
but since we have already established the fact that I have no friends

And By Gosh, you're going to make sure it stays that way!!   LOL!!

Good story nontheless Wilder.    The BS has been going on since long before I arrived on this planet and nothing will change in the next four years I'm sure, it's just all a distraction from the congressman/senators whom are really pushing all the buttons and are responsible for everything this country does.

  I've tried to befriend you, but.......................... :evil:

I was 21 at the time (legal drinking age was 18).......when I was engaged (the first time  :-| ), about 1 month prior to the wedding..............surprise!  I'm pregnant!!     :-o     My response was, "by who"?  (there was no such thing as DNA testing way back then, I could have walked).   ^-^  LOL!!  Just Kidding, I have a 20 year old daughter now.  

I didn't thought that by writting information told by CBC would finish by being kicked by older men here.

Take it easy Frank, he was just pullin' your chain.   (Refer back to REPLY #3)   ^-^
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 03, 2008, 01:50:52 AM
but since we have already established the fact that I have no friends

And By Gosh, you're going to make sure it stays that way!!   LOL!!

  Well, like the old song says, "Que Sarah, Sarah"  I have 11 Brittanys.  They all look at me just like that little red headed girl did, thirty-five years ago.  That's enough for me.  (Not that I intend to alienate you).

   The BS has been going on since long before I arrived on this planet and nothing will change in the next four years I'm sure,

  This may not be exactly what you mean, but, with the possible exception of G.H.W. Bush, every Republican President since Rowe v. Wade has been Pro-Life.  It was claimed in each case, that if he got elected, women would be dropping like flies from back alley abortions.  (And that he would steal old folks Socialist Security).  The number of abortions has increased, with nothing much changing.  Socialist Security is still there, and still busted.

  The Democrats have promised poor black voters they would tax the hell out of the rich, and everyone would be equal.  They've ran congress most of the last 60 years.  Most of the poor black voters who fell for that are still poor, and still black.  Plenty of poor white voters jumped on the bandwagon, too, and most of them are still poor, and still white.  It seems both sides did one thing the Democrats promised.  Nearly everyone, rich or poor have gotten screwed more, or less equally by the Government.

  And despite all their efforts the average poor family in this country lives better than the average family in Europe.

  OK, my story was embellished, moms church was Lutheran, not so fundamental, and I only assumed she was scared after discovering she was pregnant.

  Too old for what?

  Frank, my point was, why would you be so concerned about abortion in this country?  And Quoting a Government controlled media outlet is a sure way to be wrong, nearly every time.  I bet there are even stories you could quote from them claiming Polar bears are threatened, or endangered.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 03, 2008, 02:08:15 AM

I could see right through that......

I happen to know a man (very well, in fact),

OK, my story was embellished, moms church was Lutheran, not so fundamental, and I only assumed she was scared after discovering she was pregnant.

........can't BS a BS'er!!      LOL!    Good One!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 03, 2008, 07:16:56 AM
Frank, my point was, why would you be so concerned about abortion in this country?  And Quoting a Government controlled media outlet is a sure way to be wrong, nearly every time.  I bet there are even stories you could quote from them claiming Polar bears are threatened, or endangered.

Simply because all around the world, everybody should be respected equally and that I personnally find it's not really respectful to obligate a raped woman to get a kid if she doesn't want to, this doesn't mean that it's good 10 times too! I don't mean that, there's a limit, but I personnally find that in some case, it might be better to to a woman decide what she will do compare to obligate her with her kid and get physical/psychological problems. In some cases, there are strong woman that are able to keep their kids, it's the case of your friend's mother and she's strong, but it's not everybody.

Anyway, a long non-ending debate, I must go.

Title: Reply #3........
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 03, 2008, 10:17:55 AM
........................first sentence.   

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 03, 2008, 12:04:43 PM
If there's really somebody who stop to talk to another person because of his political opinion, that's a strange case. I mean, in Canada as well as in the USA, it's not like if it was ultra-radical politic, weren't few years before WW2, well maybe WW3 though...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 03, 2008, 01:12:54 PM

  Charlie, I think we proved your point, fairly well.    Do you know where the head scratching icon is?        Reeeeves?

  We are in WWIII, now, unless you count the cold war.

  And since you brought it up, Adolph's forced sterilization program was inspired by Margaret Sanger, who was thew founder of Planned Parenthood.  Her program of forced sterilization was well underway, before Hitler even began his studies of Socialism.  He later praised her work, and research in these areas.  It wasn't such a big step for him, once his economy went south, to implement retro-active abortion for Jews (he just didn't have as much patience as Maggie.

  I still have to wonder how, and, why the education system(s) on this continent indoctrinate teenage minds to react with pure vitriol at the thought of having to take personal responsibility, but teaches nothing about constitutional law, or simple economics.

  Tax the hell out of the top 5% of wage earners.  I like the sound of that.  And it wouldn't effect anyone else, unless they buy Fuel, food, clothing, housing, or gasoline from Large corporations.  Or work for a large, or small business.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 03, 2008, 01:25:30 PM
That was your 1000th comment, congrat  s020

Maybe it's not the same in US, but in Canada, well I should say in Quebec as the ministry of education is a provincial affair most of the time, we learn constitutions laws and simple economy like you said.

I don't know if I have well understood all what you said about Hitler, but it doesn't change he made a genocide with the Nazi party and THIS is $h!t, and it's not because I'm anti-german or something because I got german's ancestors.

WW3 is not already began, but I'm afraid it will be soon...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 03, 2008, 01:52:07 PM

WW3 is not already began, but I'm afraid it will be soon...


  Although the actual numbers vary from week to week, there are shooting/bombing battles in 130-160 locations throughout the World.

  With Radical Islam, Islamic Fundamentalists, or Muslims waving the Koran, in the middle of 90% to 95% of them.  Genocide is on a par with the standards set buy Hitler (but not near what the Communists did).

  Every major country in the World has been the recipient of these acts of war, and terror.  Billions have been spent to stop these attacks.

  Security around the aircraft plants in Wichita Kansas is much tighter than during WWII, when more Airplanes rolled off the assembly lines than anywhere in the World.

  Blue haired Grannies can't fly home to see the family for Christmas, without being groped by a security guard.

  But, most of the death toll has been in Africa, and Asia, so it really doesn't count, huh?
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 03, 2008, 07:56:42 PM
In fact, if we see that on your eye sight, we can say WW3 is already started. But when I was thinking of using the World War term is more like 2 or 3 big groups attacking each other, like the allies and the axe.

About radical islamic, it's sure the possibility of a war with the radical islamic world might happen and I'm pretty sure we'll see it soon but I think that if there's a war soon, it will be Russia against a major part of the European and American countries. China is another possibilty and I wouldn't be surprise that eventually, Russia and China join themselves. Vladimir Poutine dream to see a bigger Russia and watch what he's doing in Georgia, I'm happy that the americans take it seriously and let some ships by there in Georgia and the other small countries. With the North-West strait, Russia will do everything to get it, it's a canadian/american territory for sure but Russia want to get it, China, Iceland, Danemark and USA want to get it. The 3 that can is Russia, China and USA and maybe Canada. I must admit that I prefer this strait to be under US control than Russian control but the best would be a Canado-American agreement on that.

Off course many people will say that you can make a ship pay to pass by a strait from an Ocean to another, but how about Panama canal, Suez Canal, Malacca Strait? You need to pay to pass by there and there's going to have "ice cleaning" operation in the North-West Strait, so there's a cost to everything and I really think the best solution is a Canado-American agreement as the North-West Strait is on the cost of Quebec province, Nunavut, North-West territory, Yukon and off course Alaska state.

Anyway, I hope the best about that but I'm still pessimist...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Reeves on September 03, 2008, 09:25:16 PM
Do you know where the head scratching icon is?        Reeeeves?

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 04, 2008, 01:02:57 AM

  That's pretty close, D. but sometimes we need one with one eye cocked to the 2 o'clock position.  Kind of like W.T.F..., over.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Reeves on September 04, 2008, 06:26:59 AM

  That's pretty close, D. but sometimes we need one with one eye cocked to the 2 o'clock position.  Kind of like W.T.F..., over.

Closer ?

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 04, 2008, 03:36:58 PM

  OMFG !

  You nailed 'er.  With, or without the caption, depending on severity.

  You truly are the king of bird related web searching (no matter what kind of birds).

  My dogs do it about right from time to time.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Reeves on September 04, 2008, 09:14:44 PM
My dogs do it about right from time to time.

Seen dogs do that before ! It's always funny, and usually when talking to them  :grin:
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 04, 2008, 11:33:10 PM
This is pitiful.   s47   Makes a fella want to scream.   s16  Kinda like watchin' the News.   :sad:
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 05, 2008, 10:31:44 AM
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 05, 2008, 02:37:38 PM

  What dirty old man doesn't ?!?!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: greyghost on September 06, 2008, 01:08:49 AM
Wilder, well done. I'm giving you a 10 on reply #9! I think I would skin a moose with Her. ( take that any way you want.) LOL!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 06, 2008, 01:09:36 AM
Did not know that they had women up there that looked that GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on September 06, 2008, 08:02:16 AM

Yes.   s020

I think that she is a long overdue breath of fresh air.

and common sense.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 06, 2008, 10:58:58 AM
Wilder, well done. I'm giving you a 10 on reply #9! I think I would skin a moose with Her. ( take that any way you want.) LOL!

  The Inuits have some unusual phrases for day to day activities.  "Skinning the Moose" could be really interesting, wouldn't mind being the moose, or the skinner.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 06, 2008, 11:52:53 AM
Did not know that they had women up there that looked that GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

  They don't, now.  Damn few that look even as good as Hillary, once you get away from Juneau, or Fairbanks.

   Took some time, but suddenly yesterday while listening to comments about her, and her husband (who is no wussy-boy, a Native Alaskan, but not Inuit), I realized that a couple of lines from "The Corvette Song" by George Jones were looping through my mind.

  "She was hotter than a two dollar pistol, she was the fastest thing around, long and lean, every young man's dream, turned every head in town.  Built, and fun to handle son, I'm glad that you dropped in, she reminds me of the one I loved, back then"

 (at least that's the way it played in my head)

  I honestly believe she reminds John McCain of a young Naval Officer who came back from Viet Nam, and "Set out to clean up the town".

  I think if she removes her glasses, and lets down her hair, while spinning on her toes, her business suit will turn into a red white and blue costume.  Don't know about a lasso of truth, probably carries a whip, instead.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 08, 2008, 09:53:54 AM
I really really like her!!!!!! s020
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: greyghost on September 08, 2008, 08:20:52 PM
I think she's got a little Wonder Woman in her.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: citypickle on September 08, 2008, 10:04:50 PM
I have looked at this off & on But I think this Lady has the Balls to Call you out if you are not up to par Including John . She is a Go getter and all for Straight up Reform.  She knows that there are areas that we can Drill for Oil in her neck of the Woods that will not hurt the local Environment? She is not the most Experienced but I feel she is the most Honest of Politicians ( if there is such a thing) I feel she will fight against Pork Barrel Politics  And Help the people s020
 I like Obama But Don't think He is Ready to Lead us in a Positive Direction, Or get us on the Right track.
  We Need a Farmer that Has taken out Loans and Scrimped and Saved to Plant his Crops and had the Lick of Floods & Drought to Ruin his Harvest and still had to repay the Debt with Little or no Help ,Pennies on the Dollar to Run This Country. Frugal People is what we Need, All of the Political People have Millions of Dollars Donated to their Campain? I say Do It On A Farmers Budget and See the Deficit Decline.      Chastise Me if You Will But the Economy Sucks and it Ain't Gonna Change for A Year or 3 if we are Lucky, No Quick Fix for this Mess s85
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 08, 2008, 10:41:26 PM
Anybody seen that picture going around the net with her in that shorty skirt ?
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 08, 2008, 10:52:01 PM

When you got my age you look at skirts, but when girls are quite younger than her  j1


I was talking about this with friends, I don't know in the US but in Canada, Obama has a lot of success, especially on the youngsters, it's sure that this won't change anything to the vote. In my opinion, even if I won't vote, I like both McCain and Obama (on an "out-country" view), but I prefer the team after Obama than after McCain, that's the point.

What is sad is that many people won't vote OR will vote for Obama because he's black while they should take a look at the political guy, not his color, these are my thoughts...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 08, 2008, 11:01:06 PM
Just for clarification...........Barack Hussien Obama.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 08, 2008, 11:19:28 PM
It's only his name, it doesn't mean he got direct family with Saddam Hussein if that's what you mean... There are so many countries where names similar to Hussein are used, especially in Africa and Arabia, but this doesn't mean he will make USA a country where nobody get liberty of expression  s020

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 08, 2008, 11:33:56 PM

I was talking about this with friends, I don't know in the US but in Canada, Obama has a lot of success, especially on the youngsters,

  It does not surprise me, at all, that a dyed in the wool, hippie trained Marxist would be popular with young S.F.o.M. in the French Province, of a Socialist Country.  That's why he had the big, drunken Rock Concert in Germany.  (Yes, the "s" in Nasi, stands for Socialism).  This is more than enough to cause everyone who truly loves this Country, the way it was originally created (as a Constitutional Republic), to vote for the wrinkled old guy with white hair.  Even without the smart lady, with the big club.

  Of course his redistribution of wealth (taking "Excess Income" [which sounds a lot like the 60s term "spare change"] from companies that have put thousands of people to work, and giving it to those dumb enough to believe in a Free Lunch, won't affect anyone who does not buy fuel, heat their homes, buy food, or clothing, or work for a large, or small business.  Everyone else will be just fine.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 08, 2008, 11:37:16 PM
Sometimes things aren't just a matter of "right or wrong", "good or bad"'s matter of principal. Some people are just naive and will believe anything they "hear".  As mentioned in another thread, I wouldn't doubt that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isn't in the running the next time around. That's just how dumb many Americans can be.

The problems with the economy/oil are world wide, it isn't just in this country. Osama Bin Laden's intensions have became a reality.  Maybe he can be on the ballot along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

Take note of the last sentence in my signature.  

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 08, 2008, 11:45:37 PM
I respect your opinion, but to be totally honest, when I see all what's going on in the states, I'm more than happy to live in my little socialist country. As I'm growing, I know I'll have kids eventually, I know that if they are sick I will be able to bring them to hospital almost free of charge because the government will be there to help me if I don't have a lot of money. By the same way, I have a government over me that is ready to gives me free school. I went to a private school for high school but now I'm in a good quality public college, it's sure that the most rich people are normally more loosing money with that, but it's not "lost" money.

It's sure that a public system reform may be need here, but I LIKE MY SOCIALIST COUNTRY. When I was a young kid, one of my dream was to live in the US, more I grow, more I want to stay in my country, I can't say I'm proud of being canadian cause I did nothing to born in canada but I'm happy to live here.

Maybe I can't buy  an M16 like I would like to try so much, but it's almost the only "disadvantage" to live here I think...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 08, 2008, 11:58:16 PM
I know that if they are sick I will be able to bring them to hospital almost free of charge because the government will be there to help me if I don't have a lot of money. By the same way, I have a government over me that is ready to gives me free school.

That's why people are so  s53 naive.  None of that is "free".  Check out your taxes compared to ours. There's nothing "free" about it.  Probably cost more in the end?   :-|
They've been cryin' that "universal healthcare" garbage for 30 years and nothing has changed, it's only a topic when these jokers are running for election.  It just sounds good and appeals to those who can't see past next week. In my case and many others, "universal healthcare" would be disastrous.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 12:14:57 AM
It's only his name, it doesn't mean he got direct family with Saddam Hussein if that's what you mean... There are so many countries where names similar to Hussein are used, especially in Africa and Arabia, but this doesn't mean he will make USA a country where nobody get liberty of expression  s020


Oh, my, where do I start?

Where in this post did Charliehorse say he was related to "Saddam Hussein"?

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    Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #39 on: Today at 08:01:06 PM »  


Just for clarification...........Barack Hussien ABM.

  ???????  That must mean you think he is, or are not sure whether he might be, related to him.  DO YOU KNOW ?  As a matter of fact, WHAT do you?

  Yes, it is a popular name in many Islamic Countries.  Frank, do you know in which Islamic Country Barrack Hussein O'bomber was born?  If he would release his authentic Certificate of Live Birth (which caused him to punish his mother), we would know for sure.

  By the way, the first person I ever heard call him obamer, obomber was Ted Kennedy, when he endorsed him.  Since Kennedy is an Irish Catholic, I assumed it was spelled O'bomber.  Perhaps a contraction of (Of Bomber), short for Son Of Bomber, which is the case with many Irish names.  The second time I heard the name was from a fellow who played basketball with him in Hawaii.  They called him Obomber, or perhaps O. Bomber, I haven't seen it in print.  Since he had a Communist mentor during his time in Hawaii, I'm not sure if that was because of his political point of view, or because of an explosive dunk.
Title: Reply #15......
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 09, 2008, 12:30:24 AM
 ::)     :-o

.........refer to reply# 15.

.......can you see where this is going Frank?

 After a while, you won't know where it started, who's to blame, where it's been or where it's headed.  Which is also the definition of "politics".   And then some joker will come along and claim to be able to decipher it for ya, then tell ya what you want to hear and that will be the gospel truth. :grin:  After a while, I'll be able to refer to a great number of "Replys", in which will all lead back to Reply #3, it will just take alot more of your time and effort to get there, therefore, you'll just give up and won't even bother to look, kinda like how politics/politicians work.  Make sense?   ^-^

Deep thoughts by Jack Handy.

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 09, 2008, 12:43:41 AM
If we can trust what we see, I don't think that Honolulu in Hawaii is an islamic place  s020
Like you probably know, Barack's father is Kenyan while is mother is American

I didn't say that it has no point with Saddam Hussein to point CharlieHorse personnally, but more because many people seems to get the pleasure to use only a small meaning-less last name to make him seems like a bad dude, that's how it looks. Or, you might reply that it's just because it's his name? Well why do you also call him Osama Bin Laden's? And why don't you use the entire name of George W. Bush?

I find this sad when politic is not a battle to show your candidate is the best but more a campaign to attack your "competitor" by telling he's worst than you, most politicians are doing this and it's a really low level of "battle" to me.

Anyway, this discussion is funny but I just look how late it is and I have a book to finish from the French class tomorrow. Wilder, don't take it personnal, but you already told me to say to my parents they did a great job as I was respectful in front of you and the other older members here, but to get respect you need to give respect too. Off course sometimes you are doing bad jokes about me and my bad english (are you able to say as much in french as I say in english and spanish?) but on a general view respect need to be practice in both ways... But at 61 years old (right?) I don't think I can learn you something...

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 12:49:01 AM
 WOW, This is More fun than bashing Californians!

  Chuck, I'm glad we did not listen to your very good advice:

  A dude can loose friends real quick talkin' politics. Especially when all the info that anybody and everybody has about anybody is nothing but lies and deceit from the start.........I'll steer clear of this garbage.  I've never met any of them, none have been to my woods, therefore I could not give an opinion as to what any of them are worth.

  I'm not really sure about either of the Republicans (I do think a little better of McCain after seeing him speak, at their convention.  I hope most people realize that the little grin after each "paragraph" is actually a grimace from the pain inflicted by people who were politically kin to Barry Obama, and his partner, Bill Ayers, who was with Students for a Democratic Society, and the Weathermen.  For a short time, he demonstrated for Civil Rights (Black Civil Rights, for those of you under 40).  That must not have been exciting enough, he decided to bomb the U.S. Capital Building, and did so.  Planned to blow up the White House and Pentagon, but one of those bombs exploded during manufacture, killing his girl friend.  Later (within the last 5 years) he said he did not regret any of it, and thought the should have done more.  He is currently a university professor and still a friend of Obama.

  Frank, since he is so well liked up there, maybe when he gets his @$$ whipped in November, we can get him to come up there, and Run for office.  He could appoint Ayers as Secretary of Anarchy, oops I mean Secretary of Education.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 09, 2008, 12:59:13 AM
I'm not really sure about either of the Republicans (I do think a little better of McCain after seeing him speak, at their convention.  I hope most people realize that the little grin after each "paragraph" is actually a grimace from the pain inflicted by people who were politically kin to Barry Obama, and his partner, Bill Ayers, who was with Students for a Democratic Society, and the Weathermen.  For a short time, he demonstrated for Civil Rights (Black Civil Rights, for those of you under 40).  That must not have been exciting enough, he decided to bomb the U.S. Capital Building, and did so.  Planned to blow up the White House and Pentagon, but one of those bombs exploded during manufacture, killing his girl friend.  Later (within the last 5 years) he said he did not regret any of it, and thought the should have done more.  He is currently a university professor and still a friend of Obama.

Never really heard of that so I can't really say something, but I'll read on it! I'm interested!

Frank, since he is so well liked up there, maybe when he gets his @$$ whipped in November, we can get him to come up there, and Run for office.  He could appoint Ayers as Secretary of Anarchy, oops I mean Secretary of Education.

I think he just likes USA to much to come in Canada, sorry but "you'll have to live with him"  s020

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 09, 2008, 01:16:55 AM
I LOVE your post lol, that's what I'm slowly learning, it's just impossible to get a real political debate with some people, what I find too bad because why I like to debate is to ameliorate my way of thinking, but some people think they are already perfect, why are not they presenting themselves to the US elections if they are so perfect?  ^-^

Anyway, I'm "leaving the building"  s020

Title: Reply #46
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 09, 2008, 01:35:43 AM

Refer to reply #46, first sentence.


the zealot's name

I didn't realize that he was that old (1st century AD). Rumor has it that he was raised a muslim, heck that hadn't even been invented yet at that time, had it?  I'm really confused now. Besides, that statement is pretty hypocritical alongside the cartoonist illustration and the banner, is it not?   :-|

Arguing with a Republican is the same way, if you disagree with them, you are automatically a left-wing nut who supports communism, the devil and putting mayonaise on a bbq sandwich and they will keep spouting that until you just leave in disgust or amazement at how close-minded they sound. 

Who ran that commercial (and I approve this here message)?   Or was it on one of those "Kids say the darnedest things" shows?   If this is true, I'm glad that I'm not one of them!!  That would be horrible, although I've heard similar stories about the democratic party that I'm registered with, usually worse.  s47  Wasn't Lincoln a Whig?  No matter to me, I don't believe everything I was "told" by the government ran public school system anyway, they left alot of vital information out of the textbooks that they didn't want us kids to know who Lincoln spent his nights with in that dirt floor cabin.    :-o   Poor guy had the same living conditions as every other American did at the time, but for some odd reason, they try to make it sound as though everybody else had A/C and wall to wall carpet, and he was the only SOB out there that lived in a apple crate under a bridge down by the river.

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 02:01:42 AM
If we can trust what we see, I don't think that Honolulu in Hawaii is an islamic place  s020
Like you probably know, Barack's father is Kenyan while is mother is American


  Why in the world would you "trust what you "see" in the Amerikan Press?

  Who told you he was born in Honolulu?

  Wouldn't an 18 year old pregnant girl, who had only been married for six months want to be with her husband for the delivery?

  Three days after he was born, his mother was on the manifest of a flight into Hawaii.  On the forth day, she registered his birth.  Do you think a person only has to be an anchor baby, to be eligible to be President?

  Charliehorse tried to warn you!

 I didn't say that it has no point with Saddam Hussein to point CharlieHorse personnally, but more because many people seems to get the pleasure to use only a small meaning-less last name to make him seems like a bad dude, that's how it looks. Or, you might reply that it's just because it's his name? Well why do you also call him Osama Bin Laden's? And why don't you use the entire name of George W. Bush?

  So, do you consider LaPointe (hope I got that right) to be "only a small meaning-less last name" ?  It is, in fact his middle name.  It is used as much as it is, because a reporter (a Hillary supporter), here, got reamed in the rectum with the rusty rod of discipline for using it when he was still running in the primary.  

  I do not call him Osama Bin Ladin.  He is a Bin Obama.  

  In fact, I do, at times, refer to The President Of The United States of America as George Walker Bush.  That is generally when speaking about him, and his father George Herbert Walker Bush, at the same time.  It's easier than referring to them as George the father, or George the son, and more formal than referring to them as "41"  and "43" (which is what they call each other).  Sometimes I just call him The President, or Our President, sometimes I call him "W".  

I find this sad when politic is not a battle to show your candidate is the best but more a campaign to attack your "competitor" by telling he's worst than you, most politicians are doing this and it's a really low level of "battle" to me.

  So, you would rather not Know if someone running for office, in your country, were a Communist, Marxist, Social... Oh, you like that, sorry, or had a close relationship to a Terrorist Bomber?

  Sometimes, you have to fight a snake at a lower level than you would a man.

  I actually had a little respect for him, in spite of his anti-free enterprise positions, until he pulled the old "they'll try to make you afraid of me because I'm different" crap.

  I had my fill of that in the Ghetto of Wichita Kansas, when I was a kid.  

  My responce was, in generally, I'm not afraid of you, or against you because your black, Mexican, Irish, green, talk different, or look different, It's because you're hatefull, mean, nasty, pushy,stupid, or an Ahole (I picked from this list depending on how tough the offender looked).  I'm about as practiced at backing down as a Cape Buffalo (and about as pretty, and nearly as smart).  I do study my subjects a little more.
Title: Re: Reply #46
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 02:32:39 AM

Refer to reply #46, first sentence.


  Yes, but......... couldn't you have just copied, and pasted?  That was a long treasure hunt.

  Dan is probably right, polotics should be left to atheists.

  That brings us back to the real beginning of the fun:

  Why would the honestly held moral views of someone who will never have the ability to negate law that has been settled by the Supreme Court, be the definition of who she is?  Because it is an emotional subject (even to a 19 year old Canadian, who will probably never get himself knocked up, and if he did, wouldn't wait until he was 6-9 months along to decide he didn't want to keep it)? 

  Reminds me of the old Joke "My name is Pierre.  I forgot that one, I'll clean it up and post it in daily funnies.
Title: Dorothy
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 09, 2008, 03:56:51 AM
.........Good one and run!!   s98  I think this thread was a setup!   ^-^

polotics should be left to atheists.

Yeah.   :-|  ....and what exactly is to the left of atheists?    :grin:

We have Left wing and right wing, pork barrel spending........all this kind of talk in the propaganda makes me hungry enough to eat a moose. 

                                                  (  a26  a24  a31  a30  a28  a40 )

                                                            \              ^             /
                                                              \            ^            /
                                                               \           ^           /
                                                                           ::)          mmmmmmm!

 I wonder if I'll be able to eat what I want to eat in about 6 months or if I'll be told what I can have with all these promised changes coming down the pike? Maybe we'll have something like "Top Value" stamps, remember those? Rationed fuel, food, electric, housing?  How else would the playing field be leveled? 

Funny thing is..........humans don't like "change" very well. Especially a bunch of it.  I've watched Union members push for something that bit them in the hind end many times, that they wished that they never heard tell of in the end. "That's not what we expected"! "We didn't realize how bad we were cheating ourselves"!    s47   "Change" isn't always what one expects and isn't always for the good of your personal welfare. We'll give you free health care.....then 6 months later.......oh, we forgot to tell you about the 80% tax increase (distributed throughout taxables in order to conceal it) to cover the free health care system.

Not everybody in the world can have everything, there just isn't enough of it. Just what does it take to satisfy a humaniod?

For every action, there is a reaction.

Title: Re: Dorothy
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 06:17:52 AM
.........Good one and run!!   s98  I think this thread was a setup!   ^-^

  I thought exatchlie the same thing, but was too busy watching my pup and speachifying.  Just wonder how she could have profited from it?

  Maybe I was too rough at the gate, skeered her off?
Title: Re: Dorothy
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 06:42:25 AM
Yeah.   :-|  ....and what exactly is to the left of atheists?    :grin:

  That has to be the bestest quiz ever.  Need the deep brain and research skills of a well aged CANUCKIAN.  But, I'll bet you that shiny Kansas Quarter that he's too wise to step in this stuff.

  We have Left wing and right wing, pork barrel........all this kind of talk in the propaganda makes me hungry enough to eat a moose.  I wonder if I'll be able to eat what I want to eat in about 6 months or if I'll be told what I can have with all these promised changes coming down the pike? Maybe we'll have something like "Top Value" stamps, remember those? Rationed fuel, food, electric, housing?  How else would the playing field be leveled? 

Funny thing is..........humans don't like "change" very well. Especially a bunch of it.  I've watched Union members push for something that bit them in the hind end many times, that they wished that they never heard tell of in the end. "That's not what we expected"! "We didn't realize how bad we were cheating ourselves"!    s47   "Change" isn't always what one expects and isn't always for the good of your personal welfare. We'll give you free health care.....then 6 months later.......oh, we forgot to tell you about the 80% tax increase (distributed throughout taxables in order to conceal it) to cover the free health care system.

Not everybody in the world can have everything, there just isn't enough of it. Just what does it take to satisfy a humanoid?

For every action, there is a reaction.

  Well, if that happens (I doubt it, now), Mrs. Palin will still be Governor, maybe she'll kill us a moose.

  You get plum wise late at night.  I'm in Wichita, again, right now.  Beechcraft (my dad worked for them for 36 years, one month), just settled a strike.  I thought they had a pretty good offer, but the union didn't like the mandatory overtime clause.  Wouldn't that be a good misery for Detroit to have?  And many other places.  How dare they try to give people 70 hours pay for 60 hours work!

  I suppose the Union figured they'd get more members, because the company would have to hire more people, but from where?  unemployment here is about 4-1/2 percent.  Seems the workers are for the Union, and the Union is for the Union.

  " "  Just what does it take to satisfy a humanoid? " "  Earl Butts told Jimmie Carter the answer to that one, a reporter overheard it, and he got his Lilly white butt fired.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Dorothy on September 09, 2008, 12:01:29 PM
Have been away a on a trip with my husband. Frank I don't understand what you are talking about on abortion, your comment about Sarah, world wars, dogs as dangerous meat (in another topic), etc. It says in Wiki: (, that "in January 2008, the government (in Quebec) decided to fund all abortions without any limitations." Maybe the office quebecois de la langue francaise (the office of the French language in Quebec) could help us out with the translation... My husband and I like the idea of anybody (Democrat, Independent, Republicaan, other) in there who is a hunter. Maybe then our hunting and shooting preserve interests will be better respected. Remember, there are very political and hard left-wing humaniacs out there who do not appreciate what we do!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: frank_lap_127 on September 09, 2008, 12:32:05 PM
Just to had my 2 cents to the last comment of Dorothy (as I won't mix myself again with close-mind ''political'' people here), abortion in Canada isn't without any laws or something. There is laws about the age it can be done and many other things and yes there's a place to ameliorate the laws on abortion in Canada. In some case, like in prostitution, the prostitute should be placed in jail after a criminal research on her. In case of rape or in accident, I think that it's the girl who's pregnant who should get the final verdict, not politicians that never got that kind of problem. Sometimes it's a funny surprise to become pregnant for some girls, but sometimes it ends in depression, mental and physical problems that I think that most politicians can't even realize.

About World War, just read the posts before and after and you'll understand.

The OQLF has nothing to do with translation with people in Arizona for a text, they get my taxes to ''protect'' french language here, it's already enough to me!  s020

If you have more question, feel free to send me a PM, but I won't reply to anything else on that tread.

Oh by the way, I'm a hunter too.


P.S.: Don't forget that the information on Wikipedia may be writhe by almost everybody, even extremists of any kind!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 09, 2008, 12:49:31 PM

  Thanks Frank

  This single post will keep us busy for at learst a week.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 09, 2008, 01:05:10 PM
 s20  I wish you guys would quit posting long enough for me to post my rotten posts'es!!! I'm going to have to post more posts to counteract the posts that you'ins posted while I was trying to post my posts'es in between all those postings that you posted while I was posting.   s2



Seems the workers are for the Union, and the Union is for the Union.

I know that my dues raise every year.   :-|

  There was a time when unions where unions and not the divisions that they appear to be today, of course, the powers that be while Reagan was in office got the ball rolling real they say.

  Alot of people don't like unions, but you know as well as I do, if it where not for the Unions, no one except the business owners/big cheeses would have vacations, sick leave, maternal leave, holidays off, let alone paid ones, healthcare, workers comp, SS, medicare, discrimination laws, etc, etc.  The non-union workers/management/etc. actually have benefited from it the most in some cases. Yet the unions bare most, if not all of the blame and fingerpointing.  I've never seen a management position making less cabbage and getting less benefits than the people below them, at least not in my nick of the woods. It could make a fellas head explode just thinkin' 'bout it.  I give up.......I've got other things to do nowadays, but I keep my eyes peeled. Although, sometimes it's fun just to stir the pot or just go fishin' without leaving the luxuries of your living room.  LOL!



I'm not going around saying, "this is the best country in the world to live in, join me, and together we can change it".....who said that?    :-|  Must be out of there bloomin' skull?  :grin:  I wonder if that was an approved message?   :-| 


Thanks Dorothy........ I don't mind taking part in trashing this here thread. Plus, I'm just plain bored and trying to beat Wilder at his own game.    :-*

Hey Frank,  You'll probably need to refer to Reply #52 many times in the years to come.     :wink:  



Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 10, 2008, 09:13:45 AM
Just to had my 2 cents to the last comment of Dorothy (as I won't mix myself again with close-mind ''political'' people here),

 s020     s49    s020      s49    s020     s49    s020     :grin:

Too Much!!..........Much too Much!

 s020................ ^-^

Wishin' you'd paid more attention to Reply #52 about now?    :wink:

Can we get a "I told you so"  emicon on here?    i4

Thanks Dorothy!!!      :-*
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 11, 2008, 05:26:59 AM
I really like her!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: MtBullion Gamebirds on September 11, 2008, 12:06:51 PM
 WOW, This is More fun than bashing Californians!

Hey, hey now!!!    t15
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 11, 2008, 04:45:42 PM
 WOW, This is More fun than bashing Californians!

Hey, hey now!!!    t15

  But I can do both, poke your nose out, just a little more, girlie !
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Reeves on September 12, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
An email from Scotland to all of their brethren in the States...a point to ponder despite your political affiliation:

'We, in Scotland, can't figure out why you people are even bothering to hold an election in the United States. On one side, you had a pants wearing female lawyer, married to another lawyer who can't seem to keep his pants on, who just lost a long and heated primary against a lawyer, who goes to the wrong church, who is married to yet another lawyer, who doesn't even like the country her husband wants to run!

Now...On the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate 'Mc', married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 12, 2008, 10:52:51 PM
I really like her!!!!!!! s020
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 12, 2008, 11:29:30 PM
  Kinda what I thought.  And that was even before they picked a bigger blunderer than W. and Wonderwoman (Slider really likes her) as running mates.

  I started this reply a little over an hour ago.  Had to stop, and watch her being interegated by the arrogant Charlie Gibson.  Probably the least human reporter, since Sam "Spock" Donaldson.  

  During that interview, I realized what causes the reaction to her (10% better numbers than their opponents in polls of most likely voters).  She has the ability to run a city, or state (and I would bet, a country), and oversee real men (not Northeastern Metro-Sexuals) without being a B-witch.  AND:  I know how she does it.  Just like Margaret Thatcher, and Golda Meir  did it.  But, I'm not telling.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 12, 2008, 11:32:28 PM

  I told you Slider Really likes her.

  Are you hunkered down, or evacuated?

  I'm 500 miles, or so north of you, and getting 6-8 inches, and more later, next week.  I'm not going to think about being where they measure rainfall in feet.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 13, 2008, 05:48:51 AM
I`m hunkered down..And we did measure rainfall in feet that last storm 23 in. in 3 days and more on its way today just hope we miss most of the hard wind. Cant stand any more of that. Wish us LUCK...
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 13, 2008, 06:16:11 AM
I`m hunkered down..And we did measure rainfall in feet that last storm 23 in. in 3 days and more on its way today just hope we miss most of the hard wind. Cant stand any more of that. Wish us LUCK...

I matee, keep the wind in ye sail and ye should be just fine s020

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 13, 2008, 06:28:12 AM
 j45 j41 a28 a28 a28 a28 a28
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 13, 2008, 06:28:40 AM
Oh and yes, I like Sarah Palin as well. She is a breath of fresh air, and she will keep McCain in line. McCain has always been sitting on the fence as far as the 2nd Amendment went. I still don' trust him, but at least Sarah is an NRA member, hunts, carries a gun and believes in the 2nd Amendment. She can mentor McCain as far as the 2nd Amendment goes.

I do believe we have a better chance in winning the presidency now with Sarah, then the other choices McCain was pondering.

We seem to have quite a few distraught, Die Hard, Hillary democrats, that despise Obama for dissing Hillary for the V.P. position and are going to switch over to McCain and Palin for 08 and then switch back to Hillary for 2012.

So it looks like Obama has screwed the pooch more then once.

Here's hoping McCain/Palin for 08

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 13, 2008, 06:30:03 AM
j45 j41 a28 a28 a28 a28 a28

I thought you'd like that  j41

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on September 14, 2008, 08:11:11 AM

Sheesh !

I leave you merry minstrels to your little selves for a week and you go and have all this fun !    j45

Sarah is more then just a fresh breath of air, she's a whole spring breeze blowing away all the winters stink.

She can shoot a gun, run the biggest state in the Union with borders on Russia and Canada, keep her husband happy, and make Charlie Gibson look like the @$$ he is.

Whats not to love ??

Frank isnt all that bad, considering he comes from the most socialistic part of Canada. And he does like birds so there's hope for him.

You're on a roll Wilder, keep them coming.     s98
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 14, 2008, 02:11:16 PM

  Don't encourage me, I'll fall apart.

  I work better in a headwind.

  Levi = law giver?  Also, I need the link to those fellows in Europe raising Grouse, one of them had Prairie Chickens.  Belgium, as I remember.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 14, 2008, 11:47:29 PM
Wilder there is much info on that other forum about 
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 15, 2008, 12:16:52 AM
Wilder there is much info on that other forum about 

  I've seen some of it.  If I didn't have to spend so much time keeping you and Charlie in line, I might get over there, a little more.  I think Jake had personal contact with some guys in Belgium that had been very successful with some that few have been able to breed.

  So, what about Sarah? I really like her, myself.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 15, 2008, 12:23:45 AM
Man I got pictures of her all over my walls.. s020  you going after them sharptails in the am??? I think that Steve is doing guard duty... s020
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on September 15, 2008, 12:41:35 AM

  I'm glad you brought that up, didn't know how late it is.

  My pickup is full or trash from garage clean out.  I'll haul it to the dump in the morning, probably take my two oldest dogs in the cab.  Dump is 12-15 miles from a farm I hunted as a kid.  160 acres of it is now public access.  There were a few chickens there in the 60s-70s.  Going 75 miles north to hunt 3000 acre parcel Tues. or Wed.  I'll take at least six for that hunt.  The young dogs need the experience, and will help to locate the birds, so I can estimate numbers.

  Not that it really matters, but, these are Greater Prairie Chickens, slightly different than sharptails.  They adapt a little better to crop farmed land, but still need 10,000 acre tracts to maintain healthy leks.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 15, 2008, 01:58:43 AM
Knew it was something like that...hope you have a good one!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 15, 2008, 03:41:41 AM
How did this topic about Sarah Palin get change into grouse??

Are there pictures of her grouse hunting over on the other board?

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on September 15, 2008, 07:15:06 AM

I suspect that Sarah has been out gunning for Ptarmigan.

Wilder that link is:

it also has a link to Francys pages on Tragopans. Those guys have got it together on rare grouse and asian pheasants.

Sarah has the dems  in a tail spin, Obama is at a total loss as to what to do, every attack backfires.

My guess is that Biden will step down and obama hat in hand will grovel to Hillary and ask her to step up. This before the VP candidates debate. Sarah will bash either one of them.

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 22, 2008, 08:09:34 PM
All that I can think to say is........................"Yes ma'am!!"

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on September 24, 2008, 01:05:13 PM

I saw a nice possibly politically uncorrect  photo today, possibly photoshopped,  j41

Sarah is sitting prettily in a chair, her leg up,

Obama is kneeling before her, shining her shoe. 

do you suppose that was photo shopped??  Looked authentic. But what do I know?  i6
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 24, 2008, 09:46:49 PM
Gonna share???
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on September 25, 2008, 10:13:49 AM

Here's a perfect example of some BS on several different levels in just one sentence:

If I didn't have to spend so much time keeping you and Charlie in line, I might get over there, a little more. 


Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Reeves on September 25, 2008, 06:41:51 PM

Here's a perfect example of some BS on several different levels in just one sentence:

If I didn't have to spend so much time keeping you and Charlie in line, I might get over there, a little more. 


Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 26, 2008, 06:09:06 AM

I saw a nice possibly politically uncorrect  photo today, possibly photoshopped,  j41

Sarah is sitting prettily in a chair, her leg up,

Obama is kneeling before her, shining her shoe. 

do you suppose that was photo shopped??  Looked authentic. But what do I know?  i6

Could this be the picture your are talking about???


 j45 ya just gota love what you can do with all the  photo programs.

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 26, 2008, 07:03:27 AM
Now that is the perfect photo....but I doubt if he could even shin a good shoe...
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on September 27, 2008, 06:54:55 AM

Thats the one! 

McCain did a good job last night, pointing out Obama doesnt understand.

I will be glued to the tv thursday night to see how our gal does. I am thinking very well. And she'll look good doing it.   
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on September 27, 2008, 07:04:51 AM

Thats the one! 

McCain did a good job last night, pointing out Obama doesnt understand.

I will be glued to the tv thursday night to see how our gal does. I am thinking very well. And she'll look good doing it.   

I agree Jake!

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on September 27, 2008, 01:21:25 PM
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j1
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on October 23, 2008, 10:14:45 AM

This week I've driven quite a bit around our northern area, and 100 miles south, and slowly noticed something, from its absece:

I see a lot of McCain/Palin signs in yards etc, but next to no O signs.

I hope this is a widespread thing. Sat I am going down to Detroit, a 3.5 hr drive and am going to be looking for them.

Also the same on bumper stickers, many for McCain, few or none for O.

My favorite so far is" I'm voting for McCain and the Hot Chick". 

Kinda brings a lump to the throat and a tear to the eye, or drool is traveling upwards.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on October 23, 2008, 12:23:50 PM
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: citypickle on October 23, 2008, 09:47:58 PM
Most of the Signs I have seen say      /     No Boma  ? Don't Get that   A Diehard Republican  Think Democrats are on The Endangered Species list!! It is all GW's Fault  But alot of the  c109 Horse poo Electoral that can Vote for Their own Pay Check,  If I told my Employer I Need $30.00  to do my job, He would tell me That Mexican can do your Job for Half what I Pay You What you going to do??? Call Immigration??
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 23, 2008, 11:51:36 PM
It is all GW's Fault

 c109   Maybe some, but not that huge giant sucking sound that Perot once mentioned about the jobs leaving this country, that is finally starting to show its face.

Who was it that deregulated everything, including the media?  NAFTA, etc.?   :-|

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 24, 2008, 12:01:58 AM
 s178 i wont comment on the subject to much except to say that comment about the mom being bad due to a pg daughter is really sad i have a pg teen too . shes a christian...she made a poor choice but shes being responsible...she married the father /nice the way also human/ her having /quite happily i might add /her baby ...and going to proud of her ... we all make mistakes...and im not a bad mom because my daughter  pushed the growing up button ...if you cant tell you hurt my feelings i came here to have fun s49
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 24, 2008, 12:34:44 AM
that comment about the mom being bad due to a pg daughter is really sad
...if you cant tell you hurt my feelings

Who and what comment are you referring too?
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 24, 2008, 12:48:21 AM
charlie horse reply #7  im american by the way ...i knowwwww who im gonna vote for  and it has nothing to do with color...or personal lifes that r being slammed it will be based on canidates experience or lack of and track records  i9      :sad:comment was  that palin made him want to puke etc just read it it doesnt bear repeating
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 24, 2008, 12:58:22 AM
You may want to read the whole entire thread over again and take the "emicons" into account.    That was totally complete sarcasm.   You couldn't be any further off base.


im american by the way ...i knowwwww who im gonna vote for  and it has nothing to do with color...or personal lifes that r being slammed it will be based on canidates experience or lack of and track records 

 ???    ok.  

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 24, 2008, 01:09:30 AM
okay ill forgive you i guess its just alittle to close to home  :?:im from ohio to originally by the way ..mansfeild ..but loooove florida ...cant handle the cold rather fish and plant maters than shovel snow c53
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 24, 2008, 01:26:55 AM
It's good and cold here right now!!!!           :-o

okay ill forgive you

For what?  Seems like it should be the other way around?   ^-^

Are you sure that you should be voting? Florida nontheless?       s020       (More sarcasm).....:wink:

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 24, 2008, 01:32:05 AM
hahahaha yer so funny ...we gotta come off the beach and something while yall freeze yer bootys off j45
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 24, 2008, 01:49:27 AM
Check one:

[ ] 4 months of Southern Ohio cold, drive to beach, come back home to Ohio.

[ ] 1-6 Hurricanes per year. Makeshift rafts cluttering beach.  :-X

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on October 24, 2008, 02:29:31 AM

  It is much easier to understand when everything is read in context.  Knowing the person posting, and understanding their perspective, and humor (which everyone in the conversation up to that point did), doesn't hurt, either.  Also, if all the posts were still in place, you might not have thought stoning a girl for getting pregnant was the worst idea put forth.

  A fellow (who claimed he just happened to stumble across the thread, but was really sicked on us by Frankie the Froggie) informed us that Cristians [ChristianISTS] are ignorant, hateful, evil, and unable, or unwilling to think.  I believe this was ignited by comments about a certain political party's affinity for abortion as birth control, even when it takes 36 weeks to make the decision.  Interestingly, nearly every religion on the face of the Earth disagrees with this (except maybe United Methodist, I'm not sure about them).  I suppose he had not heard much from Budhists.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on October 24, 2008, 06:43:55 AM

Fwiw, Buddhists frown on abortion too.

From what I know the most radical pro abortionists are the liberal religionless 'Jews' and Obama's church.  They'll kill a live baby in a botched abortion. 

To keep things clear, I amnot one of those kind of Jews, to me they are a blot on the earth. Nuff on that.

I am glad that Sarah and Todd Palin have continued to love and support their daughter through this, and have also opened their arms to the young man. Its not the best scenario to have happen but to me they have followed the best path.

I've seen Sarah a number of times this week on Foxnews segments, she comes across every time as a breath of fresh air in a dirty room. 

And the best looking one since I dont know when.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on October 24, 2008, 02:35:47 PM

Fwiw, Buddhists frown on abortion too.

  I was sure they did, my main thought, there, was that they probably hadn't been marching around Dan's place, with Pro-Life signs, so he was not fired up against them.

  I suppose those "religionless" Jews would be JINOs?  Jews in name only.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: birddog on October 24, 2008, 08:55:46 PM
thats it I,m  just going to write in for Ted Nugent  :grin: he might be a crazy #$#%^^^  but at least when he says something  you  know he is not lying  c110 c110
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on October 24, 2008, 11:09:25 PM
Yea and he has a good looking wife.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 24, 2008, 11:30:16 PM
lived here30 yrs / c53since i was 12... saw 1 snow storm/ melted in 35minutes , one bad yr with hurricanes nothing but wind and power out 2 days  ...still rather sit out in my sunroom and eat  my turkey  in my skivvies lol  then go to the beach and watch my dogs chase seagulls lol not snow drifts..just ask my grandson corns good on a sunny dayhere in florida
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: labmancan on October 25, 2008, 08:15:09 AM
Now I see what Frank stepped into, I was wondering how he left. Too bad he expressed a little too much about a topic that he is too young to! He77 he isn't old enough to vote here even.

Now me I'm waaaaay old enough to have a educated opinion, and on this I do!

I'd take that young lady hunting anytime she wanted! c110  a38  c110  c29  c110  a29
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 26, 2008, 10:37:04 AM
 :cool:    :grin:
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Dan Cowell on October 26, 2008, 11:13:03 PM

Fwiw, Buddhists frown on abortion too.

  I was sure they did, my main thought, there, was that they probably hadn't been marching around Dan's place, with Pro-Life signs, so he was not fired up against them.

  I suppose those "religionless" Jews would be JINOs?  Jews in name only.


Give me a call or private e-mail, want to talk to you in person.  You keeping posting @$$@ directed at me, why not actually speak to me??  You are in Missouri as well, why not meet and hash this out....

A private e-mail has been sent, look forward to your response.

To the others, I regret that I posted to this topic that really has no place on a bird forum and removed it.   


Title: Re: Sarah Palin/JINO
Post by: Jake Levi on October 27, 2008, 06:33:19 AM

Yup, thems the ones, in name only, 

confirmed oxygen thieves.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 27, 2008, 08:50:47 AM
We didn't start the fire.    Although a person can actually make money stomping them out.   

^-^        s020

I guess that I just see too much humor in things.  s47  It's my downfall.   s16

Reply #3, first sentence.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: labmancan on October 27, 2008, 09:12:39 AM
Reply to reply #3, line 1. I would never loose friends over politics, I was refering totally to her BOOTY. i5  Now, that in the past has caused me some grief. s49

Hey C.H.
If I never spoke to you in a couple of years, and had trouble remembering your name or if you had kids, but I did remember your DOGS name, would I still be a REDNECK?
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 27, 2008, 09:33:26 AM
Reply to reply #3, line 1. I would never loose friends over politics, I was refering totally to her BOOTY.   Now, that in the past has caused me some grief.


None of that was directed at you. It was just another sa'ed remark in general to add to the topic that Dorothy planted and then split the scene. 

I can relate with that last quoted sentence.   ^-^

Hey C.H.
If I never spoke to you in a couple of years, and had trouble remembering your name or if you had kids, but I did remember your DOGS name, would I still be a REDNECK?


That's not nice!   s47   You'd definitely be something, and I'm sure I could come up with some choice words.    :evil:

Actually, you'd be doin' better than me. I definitely wouldn't remember the dog and may not remember you.   :-o   LOL!!!   I'd say more, but not here.   :razz:

How's that?     a29

Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: labmancan on October 27, 2008, 09:48:19 AM
Dorothy, as in  Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore? j1
I kind of always liked that in you, add, stir, add, stir, keeps a nice mix.

Back to politics, we had the lowest voter turnout in history this time, apathy won the day! I guess, like myself, most people figured what the he77, no sense voting, nobody worth voting for.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 27, 2008, 10:03:00 AM
                                                  s020     s020      s020

add, stir, add, stir, keeps a nice mix.

Thanks labmancan!!    :-*    You know that's not true.....are you a politician?   :grin:

Always be sure to wear your PPE when adding to, stirring the pot, or stoking a fire in order to keep any from getting on you or getting burned yourself.   


Working in a "fraternal like" atmosphere may have something to do with it? ..........and I wear really tall boots.    ^-^
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: labmancan on October 27, 2008, 10:09:33 AM
                                                  s020     s020      s020

add, stir, add, stir, keeps a nice mix.

Thanks labmancan!!    :-*    You know that's not true.....are you a politician?   :grin:

Always be sure to wear your PPE when adding to, stirring the pot, or stoking a fire in order to keep any from getting on you or getting burned yourself.   


Working in a "fraternal like" atmosphere may have something to do with it? ..........and I wear really tall boots.    ^-^

Nope not political, just a Gen. Superintendant, tall boots are always in order around my jobs. a38 c109
Yes Sir, Nomex iii and TALL boots, a little Frebreze comes in handy too.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 27, 2008, 11:04:46 AM
a little Frebreze comes in handy too.

  Isn't that the truth!?   :-[


Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: citypickle on October 27, 2008, 08:55:50 PM
Check this out if you want to be Scared To Death !~! This shows the Mentality of the Voting Public  s85  s85  s85
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: slider on October 27, 2008, 10:46:22 PM
Were in deep @$$@!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on October 28, 2008, 09:32:46 AM
Were in deep @$$@!!!!!!!!!
yer just now figuiring i just pray i think even God is worried for us
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Pheasant Hollow Farm on October 28, 2008, 02:51:19 PM
To bad they weren't handing this lawn signs out.

Pheasant Hollow Farm
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: citypickle on October 29, 2008, 05:48:50 AM
             God is worried for us
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: CharlieHorse on October 30, 2008, 05:49:03 PM
I find that it is very odd that the meir mention of a middle name will send so many through the roof like it does.   Something is terribly wrong with that picture.  s47

 c110   This hunter orange isn't going to get it, I need to get out my camo stuff!   :-o
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: wildergamebirds on October 30, 2008, 09:55:14 PM
  Actually, you've got pretty good camo on, if you plan to infiltrate !

  You're more right than most will believe.  Several on the left, and even in the DNC are predicting riots (James Carville), and even a second Civil War (don't remember what that broad's name is), if Obama loses.  They are also, already, saying the voting machines are fixed.  Very interesting concept, since Obama's friends (he gave them $800,000), A.C.O.R.N. are being sued in at least 15 states, because of fraudulent voter registration.

  A couple of changes of urban camo (pants hangin' off your butt, untied running shoes, do-rag, and backward cap) might be useful, too.   

  I wouldn't buy that wardrobe for you, but would pay for a picture of it.

  The problem of his middle name, (Hussein) is his problem.  He was, in fact Muslim for several years, when young, became a Christian after meeting Rev. Wright, about 20 years ago.  Not really anything wrong with that.  He wouldn't lose more than a few dozen votes, over that (I think he's already lost the Klan vote).   The real problem, to me, anyway, is that he denies, and hides that part of his life (as well as being in the pews something like 480 times, while claiming he didn't know his preacher was an anti-American Biggot.  I really thought that might be true, at first.  Figured maybe he only went on holidays, when his wife dragged him, and only heard Christmas sermons.
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on November 02, 2008, 12:43:14 AM
 the scary thing is lack of experience and the number of uneducated voters he attracts ..when i mentioned it to a college kid in line to vote he said "weeell he/obamma / studied alot of foriegn language "...he was also concerned that neither canidate  had reached out to online gamers ..scary huh?!  like that was a good factor in picking a president  ,isnt that just the kind of informed voter you want to pick your next president ?! j16
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: Jake Levi on November 02, 2008, 06:18:49 AM

McCain is fluent in Spanish, and though he doesnt like to talk of it,  Vietnamese. 

Unfortunately   he doesnt speak ebonics any better then I do.   However we havent missed anything because of that .

Otoh he knows the words to Bomb bomb iran. 
Title: Re: Sarah Palin
Post by: ode2god on November 02, 2008, 09:52:14 PM
 actually my last comment was concerning obamas knowledge of foriegn language ...that was the kids response when i mentioned obamas lack of experience in foriegn policy ...  knowing a foriegn language of a country that your trying to communicate with may be a plus but if you dont know the right thing to say  it wont matter if you know how to say it ...catch my drift?   :-|  ???