Thanks guys. I found it hard to believe it could be botulism as no other birds were affected. Steve, my first thought was that he had flown into a beam but when he hadn't recovered I thought I may have been wrong. I checked on him after work yesterday and he is still not walking but he seems to be more alert. I will continue to monitor him and hopefully he will recover. Again, thanks.
After rereading your post, this reminded me of what happened two weeks ago while I was in my flight pen. I had a RNC flush, and crash head-on into an upper cross support beam he went down like a ton of bricks walk 15 feet and died.
He had a peeper on as well.
I have also have had birds hanging by there peepers. Since the hanging, I have change over to the soft flex hood. I use a 2" netting.
I removed the blinders and left him.
That is one of the major problems on having either full hoods/blinders or peepers. They can't see where they are going.
Also depending on the netting size, it is possible that the bird may have been hanging on the net from its peepers and after a while he finally got loose.
Some of these birds that hang from there peepers may recover in full, but most of them more then likely have been deprived of O2 for to long and wind up being mentally handicapped. The same goes for the bird that has a head-on collision and suffers a concussion. some come out of it others don't and walk around dazed and confused.
Good Luck!
Pheasant Hollow Farm