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Author Topic: A Year's Journey  (Read 8774 times)
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What do you mean I have to press 1 for english.

« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2009, 04:31:39 PM »

Thanks Marvin...

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« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2009, 07:59:16 PM »

My two cents for what it's worth... I went into raising bobs without having even cared for chickens in the past! I squeezed every drop of info out of this site that I could and I have done well with my bobs, I think! For the first time raising any gamebirds, it has gone as well as to be expected. Just do the research, and take the time to do things right. I think since you've already successfully raised Coutnix you should be able to handle the bobs. Surely... If I can do it from scratch, I'm sure you can!!! Good Luck!
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« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2009, 08:24:25 PM »

Quit messing around with wee tiny birds and go Pheasants !  :grin:

Love the pheasants - they just take a little more space than I am able to provide. 

That's a real good reason marvinmckenzie. Bobwhites aren't as hard as some might think. The experience woud be helpful to you.  If you don't mind the question, How much room do you have ?  or how many quail are you set up for ?

I keep my birds between two coops with about 32 square feet between them. I try to maintain no more than a dozen adult birds. I also have a smaller area for brooding. My plan has been to slaughter whenever I am ready to add new adults to the coops.
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« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2009, 03:21:20 PM »

Quit messing around with wee tiny birds and go Pheasants !  :grin:

Love the pheasants - they just take a little more space than I am able to provide. 

That's a real good reason marvinmckenzie. Bobwhites aren't as hard as some might think. The experience woud be helpful to you.  If you don't mind the question, How much room do you have ?  or how many quail are you set up for ?

I keep my birds between two coops with about 32 square feet between them. I try to maintain no more than a dozen adult birds. I also have a smaller area for brooding. My plan has been to slaughter whenever I am ready to add new adults to the coops.

If you're gonna switch, bobwhites do take longer to mature.  Have you decided ?

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« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2009, 05:56:21 PM »

When and if you do decide too, there are several others around here of course but heres a member that appears to be working on a monster bobwhite. If anything else, the list will give you more then just the northern bob.. Good luck !

I would like to get some more bobwhites for meat,  I just do not like the coturnix for this purpose.  Ignore the weights on the list below, but these are the varieties I need in order.  Can you point me to a good dealer for Spring 09? I have two crosses I run that work great for training and the other for meat.

Butler Illinois Giants            16-22   oz.
Cunningham Mississippi Giants      14-16   oz.
Georgian Giants            14-16   oz.
Jumbo Wisconsin            12-14   oz

« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 06:43:52 PM by cv » Logged
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