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Dogs learn by contact, association, and repeation.Learning the basics of retrieving can be done several ways.One way is from force breaking, Allot of dogs never pass this one. It is tough on the dog and either they have it or they don't. You can still get most dogs to learn through this method if you either have allot of time or allot of money. I think most good lab trainers are charging 600 and up per month. The other method is spending your time and playing the go get the ball / bumper game.Either way you decide to go. There is still the issue of bird drive to contend with.In training bird dogs to retrieve that have either had one or both of these methods. I still find there is no replacement for killing allot of birds. The dog is still smarter than we will give them credit for. Any good dog trainer is more of a facilitator than a teacher.Time on the ground and birds cannot be replaced by any amount of money spent on training equipment or even the worlds best trainer.A hunting compainion is a expensive investment. However, the rewards are priceless.