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Author Topic: Pheasant eggs hatching 1-2 A day. Is this normal?  (Read 12249 times)
Fourche River Quail
« on: May 04, 2004, 10:09:25 AM »

I have some pheasant eggs that I quit turning on friday at 22 days, 1 hatched sat. 2 on sunday and 2 on monday, this morning, tuesday, I have nothing, today will be the 26th day, I am getting a little worried, I thought they would all hatch out within 24-48 hours of each other, anyone ever had this to happen?  Thanks for any info.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 01:14:39 PM »

I thank that rednecks have a hatching of 23 to 28 days not sure !
And of course if the temp was off a little your hatch will be a little late also .
Good Luck !!

Hey BTW I never got you email about the foggers !!!!!  :roll:

See Ya
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2004, 01:35:20 PM »

I might of told you wrong I looked at this web site

Ringneck   hatch in 24-25 days    temp 99.5    
humidity incubation 60-65%  
humidity hatching  80-85%  
stop turning   22nd day

Here is the website

I have had a low temp in the incubator and it took all week for them to hatch ?
I waited as long as possible then when I thought no more was going to hatch out I  trashed the remaning eggs !!

Good Luck
Fourche River Quail
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2004, 02:56:54 PM »

Madhatter, just now gettin around fairly good again,  glad to here your still interested in the foggers, will take pics this week, (aint nothin else I can do but walk to the barn they wont let me drive fer another 6 months or till these titanium screws fuse in my back, or I aint supposed to anyway)  The only ones I have workin rite now are the ones in the barn where my horses are and older birds were , the ones in the pens are not workin rite now, still too cool, and have no birds out there anyway but the way I set my outside pens up, you never have to move or change anything, just drain it ever fall so it wont freeze, and all that takes is makin the water run downhill, pvc is so easy to work with, you can build a 4-500 dollar cage or pen out of treated wood and try to incorperate the pvc or you can build a 50-100 dollar cage or pen out of pvc and everthing is already there. that has worked just as well for me, sue calls me the PVC KING!! I am in mo. and don't know if it will work everwhere  this is what i built my turkey pens out of and It worked just fine. I am gettin you those pics this week. THANKS FOR THE INFO. Mark
big quail dude
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 03:51:43 PM »

Quote from: MaDHaTTer
I thank that rednecks have a hatching of 23 to 28 days not sure !
And of course if the temp was off a little your hatch will be a little late also .
Good Luck !!

Hey BTW I never got you email about the foggers !!!!!  :roll:

See Ya

I always wondered how long it took a redneck to hatch? :lol:
Fourche River Quail
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2004, 04:01:22 PM »

Rednecks  Hatch in about 270 days, dependin on the sire and the dam!!! LOL
BUT THEY GROW FAST!!!!!!! mature in  about 40 to 45 years And they make good pets<< (accordin to sue anyway) mrw
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« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2004, 04:50:27 PM »

Quote from: MaDHaTTer
I thank that rednecks have a hatching of 23 to 28 days not sure !
And of course if the temp was off a little your hatch will be a little late also .
Good Luck !!

Hey BTW I never got you email about the foggers !!!!!  :roll:

See Ya

Yeh,  I think that's way took 9 months for mine to hatch!    :lol:

Wished I bought day olds by the time it was all overwith!!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2004, 05:12:51 PM »

O.K. !!!!!
trailbossusa , big quail dude

I'll roll my brictherleggs up and take that one


I steped off in that  !!!!

Got-a give ya that one. :lol:

That is pretty funny I aint even going to edit the orginal
next time someone is looking for hatching times of RED-NECKS
they will be able to look at this !!!!! :lol:
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« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2004, 08:10:21 PM »

where can I find some of those redneck eggs? looking for about 2 or 3. what should the temp and humidity be set at in the bator? how much for shipping? what do you feed a day old redneck?
I have an old house trailer set up for brooding, think that would work?

thankya for the help please let me know.
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« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2004, 11:51:33 PM »

Hey Derk1,
  I brood mine in a 31 ft travel trailer too. I'd like to get me some of them redneck eggs. After they hatch do you think they'd be trailer trash rednecks???  :mrgreen:
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Miss Hannah Mae Pike

« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2004, 07:54:17 AM »

Well I feed mine beer and chips with a good rare steak thrown in once in a while. Seems to be working, good growth and plenty of attitude.  :shock:

Five Hollers Quail Farm
Fourche River Quail
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2004, 10:41:18 AM »

Madhatter, I thank you for all the info,, but,, I am also glad that it was you and not me that started the redneck thing :lol:


I have a day old redneck fer sale, comes from A highly recommend breedin stock, (daddy's jermin and registerd, mommas a polish cross breed) These cross breeds really work well in this sosiety. Tried to raise a cupple fer myself, But after 21 years of bruudin nem thangs, I just dont figger that They are raised yet, I might have kepum in nat ter  incabater too long, I can run them out of the yard, and think they have FLOWN AWAY, then all the sudden,,, they return, I actually thank there kinda like homin pidgins. Thisun here  Is already a drikin an a cussin need to get rid of FAST before it settles in :!:  sorry I  cannot ship this item  Fer guverment regulashuns wont let me, Yer gonna Haff Tu come pik it up, rite now it aint doin much, just sits around ,eatin an poopin,  drakin , an a cussin.  I'm tellin u This here  thang comes frum  GUUDE STOK :!:  It done git eny bettr nan nis, thisun here is the only won an I aint rite shore ifin it is a male or a female, when u git it home u can sex it. So u better herry!!!!! CALL ME FER MOR INFO AT,, BR549  

 Derk1, HERES YOURE CHANCE!!!!  JUS JUMO IN AN GIT YUR FEET WET, Try rasin wun ov these, Its a sperence youll never ferget!!!!!   i promise
Fourche River Quail
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2004, 12:16:00 PM »

Quote from: derk1
where can I find some of those redneck eggs? looking for about 2 or 3. what should the temp and humidity be set at in the bator? how much for shipping? what do you feed a day old redneck?
I have an old house trailer set up for brooding, think that would work?

thankya for the help please let me know.

 I have had sperence on this,,, the temp is 98.6 an the humidity is 100 percent. dont worry bout feedin um fer a few days,, they can make it on there own. then you throw a little hi proteen in um, BOY OOO BOY just sit back an watch em gro!!! an your house trailer sounds gud to me,,, ifin it aint too cold. gotta keep that temp up!!!  glad I cud help. OH buy the way, like I sayd U cant ship this item,, those guvermental people just git to jumpin up an down, when thay find one of these in a box marked PRIORITY sumtin bout dat cryin an screemin dat day done like!! so done ship WUN :!:  :!:  :!:

NOW,, HOW MUCH MORE REDNECK CAN YOU GET?????????   :shock:  :lol:  :D
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2004, 02:14:52 AM »

If you want to breed a redneck the best thing to do is convert the dam to a redneck. I find they have purtier teeths than origonal rednecks. and most the time your not line breedin'.

Derk .../use a small camper like a pop up first as redneck hatchlings ain't smart enuf to find there way around large places, and you don't want to spoil em' with a fancy smancy single wide too early.

What to feed em/... Cold beer and hot wings unless theys are feverish then whisky and pork rinds!!! Worked for me!!
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