That Quail Place Forum

Raising Gamebirds => Health Issues => Topic started by: clarissa on May 28, 2004, 08:21:05 PM

Title: can someone help a beginner
Post by: clarissa on May 28, 2004, 08:21:05 PM
i had a white pharoah die it was all puff up feather in a ruffle state. they are off the ground with sand boxes for dusting,.  watering is thru a system with nipples in each cage for them to drink from food aviable all the time.  Could this be that the bird could not lay a egg or something.  i do not know what is going on.  Can some educate someone just getting started please.
Title: can someone help a beginner
Post by: stewaw on May 28, 2004, 09:45:51 PM
Ruffled feathers often indicate fever.  By fluffing their feathers, they allow more air to circulate next to their body and cool them down.  That said, it's hard to identify "what" caused the feverish reaction.  One thing that could be eliminated fairly easily (but not for the very squeamish) would be egg binding.  A simple autopsy of sorts would quickly identify if this was the culprit, just incise the vent area gently until you either find a stuck egg or no indication of a stuck egg.  Other than that it could be any variety of infection/virus etc...which only a vet could positively identify but ONLY if the bird was immediately preserved in the freezer or taken to a vet that day (preferred).

Good luck!
Title: can someone help a beginner
Post by: clarissa on May 29, 2004, 01:06:39 PM
thanks i refuse to give up on this.  this is the first time i have every had quail so i am learning.
Title: can someone help a beginner
Post by: quailfriend on May 30, 2004, 11:06:04 PM
ive lost a coturnix from egg binding once. the problem doesnt normally show itself untill its too late. if it is eggbinding and your other females start to have problems go to this site it tells you how to treat it or at least attempt too   good luck