Raising Gamebirds > Brooding and Raising

New and In need of instruction.


I do landscape maintenance for work.  Today I was at a neglected property trying to get it cleaned up and back in shape.  The grass was about 1.5-2' tall. I am sad and somewhat ashamed to say that while I was running the string trimmer through a thick patch of grass i inadvertently killed a mother quail who was sitting on her well hidden nest. I feel awful even though there was no way I could have known she was there.  I desperately want to try and make it right by being the best mother I can be in raising her offspring in her place.
I know nothing about raising foul of any kind. I tried to google instructions for raising quail and it led me to this forum. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated as I alone don't have the experience necessary to  succeed in this.
Currently I am doing my best to keep them warm with a heat lamp and I have them wrapped in an old t-shirt. Is this acceptable or should I change it? What do I do from here?

Too bad someone didn't answer you sooner. However, temperature, humidity and turning the egg is the key.


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