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Author Topic: Houdini quail  (Read 8051 times)
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« on: November 22, 2013, 10:33:17 AM »

 s2 Hey there... we moved our 22 quail from the enclosed chicken coop area to their new run and shelter.  They evidently didn't like where the shelter was placed - It was up high but they had means to get there - and that's where I placed them so they would know where to go.  They made their way down to the ground and there they remained over night.  DUH.  So we moved the shelter down to the ground - elevating it on a pallet so it was off the ground.  Put them in there so they would know - hey that's where we need to be - and they refuse to use it.  I placed some nice straw in there for their bedding - is that wrong?  Anyway, the run is enclosed by chain link fencing with a net over top.  The bottom 24" is covered in chicken fencing.  I went out this am, I am now down to 9.  They are escaping - somewhere or they are Houdinis.  Any thoughts?????  Can they squeeze through small spaces??? whats the deal???????s2  TIA if anyone has any clue.
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