.....how many views there are in a specific topic compared to the amount of replies?
Have you ever noticed that, when you see a post from a new comer, and decide to check their profile for location and age it is never filled in?
Have you ever check the membership files and noticed all the members that haven’t posted?
1. Yea sometimes some pple have no answer or nothing to say after viewing a thread. Also, as Trail mentions...guests can view threads also. Then I believe after a certain period of time, thread views will continue to be counted from pple who already viewed the thread who views again.
2. Profile not being filled. I think just has to do with the member wanting to remain anonymous. That was my case when I started. I didn't want to let pple know that I was older then the rest. LOL Also, could be some members are just to lazy to fill it out and just wants to get on to posting.