That Quail Place Forum

Raising Gamebirds => Health Issues => Topic started by: hoppingsp on July 22, 2012, 09:26:16 PM

Title: sick or normal behavior??
Post by: hoppingsp on July 22, 2012, 09:26:16 PM
I have gg , quail and went out to feed and water them and noticed female laying down not moving but eyes open and seemingly aware. Watched her a min and decided to pick her up to check her out, no blood or apparent injury, however she could not control bowel movements, was light tan in color and kinda runny. She is laying age and wondered if she was just ready to lay, I have never caught them actually in process of laying. I do believe she has been one of my layers the males been working her over, plucked her a bit, no worse than others. I did worm them several weeks ago, they are kept on wire not ground. Been sitting still in one spot couple hours now not moving but still alive. Shallow breathing....labor breathing??? Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: sick or normal behavior??
Post by: hoppingsp on July 22, 2012, 10:58:23 PM
 ::) OK false concern here unless egg not fertile dh1