That Quail Place Forum

Hunting Gamebirds => Hunting Gamebirds => Topic started by: bbjockey on October 19, 2005, 01:53:52 PM

Title: What steps do i need to take to.....
Post by: bbjockey on October 19, 2005, 01:53:52 PM
prepare JH kept adult Quail for release to hunt as "wild" birds.  I have read that they need to be misted with water so  that they will produce an oil that will enable them to fly when wet in the wild.  HOW MANY TIMES DO THEY NEED MISTED BEFORE THEY ARE OK TO RELEASE?  HOW MUCH/HOW LONG SHOULD I RELEASE FROM JH BEFORE THEY HAVE ENOUGH  FLIGHT STRENGTH TO RELEASE TO WILD?  WHAT ELSE SHOULD I DO?

Thanks in advance for all responses.

Title: Re: What steps do i need to take to.....
Post by: theweave on November 29, 2005, 05:13:46 PM
I often used a garden hose on birds after 12 weeks old to mist them on nice days and allow them to dry completely.  After so many weeks, I simply locked them out of the shelter barn and made them hunker down outside in the rain.  Wild birds use a little cover, but for the most part are out in the weather.  Mine also got a healthy dose of seeds from a variety of weed plants from harvest screenings and I think those helped produce those natural oils.....
Title: Re: What steps do i need to take to.....
Post by: gunner on January 09, 2006, 10:40:46 AM
I think that offering a dusting pan stimulates the preening habit which improves plumage and the feathers to weathering.