That Quail Place Forum

Raising Gamebirds => Health Issues => Topic started by: sparky on July 31, 2009, 01:30:52 PM

Title: crazy jap quail
Post by: sparky on July 31, 2009, 01:30:52 PM
Hi ya there everyone i have a hen Japanese quail about 8 weeks old she has been fine but the last 3 days she looks like she is having a fit keeps going crazy like walking backwards head going up down left right really fast and stretching her whole body? please help what shell i do as she sounds like she is in pain
Thank you for your time
Title: Re: crazy jap quail
Post by: greyghost on August 17, 2009, 08:25:44 PM
Sparky, has she fallen over dead yet? I know, bad question. But I need to know. A few of my birds have done that and then died. The difference was that they were old. But my birds were raised on wire 3 feet above the ground, therefore a ground-born disease should be out of the question. I guess we are back to square one, huh?