Raising Gamebirds > Brooding and Raising

Quail with bloody noses

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We're raising about 70 - 80 quail at the moment.  They are 2 weeks old and in a 10 x 4 feet pen.  They have a 2 heat lamps (one red and one white) and plenty of food and water.  I've lost a few in the beginning, but the rest seem to be doing well except that a lot of them have bloody noses.  At first I thought the others might just be pecking at some of them, but they all seem to have dried blood (some not dried) around their nose holes in their beak.  Seem peculiar, and I can't find anything else on it.  Any ideas?  Many thanks :)

I've seen the same thing on mine, but only 5-6 out of a couple of hundred, at any one time.

  Are they in a chicken wire pen?  They sometimes poke and peck wire, and get cuts.  Same thing can happen with hardware cloth.  I would go to red lights only.  Too much light will encourage pecking, and fighting.

  Also, check the feeders and waterers for sharp edges.

Pheasant Hollow Farm:

--- Quote from: soniadaniel on July 02, 2007, 11:01:25 AM ---Hello,
We're raising about 70 - 80 quail at the moment.  They are 2 weeks old and in a 10 x 4 feet pen.  They have a 2 heat lamps (one red and one white) and plenty of food and water.  I've lost a few in the beginning, but the rest seem to be doing well except that a lot of them have bloody noses.  At first I thought the others might just be pecking at some of them, but they all seem to have dried blood (some not dried) around their nose holes in their beak.  Seem peculiar, and I can't find anything else on it.  Any ideas?  Many thanks :)

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wildergamebirds hit it right on the head. Get ride of the white lights. Keep the brooder as dark as possible and use red 250 watt heat lamps. If you see bloody toes add straw or hay in the brooder.

The main reason of using red lights, is that the color of blood which is red, will show as black and not red. All birds tend to pick at colors that are red.

--- Quote from: wildergamebirds on July 02, 2007, 12:03:07 PM ---I've seen the same thing on mine, but only 5-6 out of a couple of hundred, at any one time.

  Are they in a chicken wire pen?  They sometimes poke and peck wire, and get cuts.  Same thing can happen with hardware cloth.  I would go to red lights only.  Too much light will encourage pecking, and fighting.

  Also, check the feeders and waterers for sharp edges.

--- End quote ---

Pheasant Hollow Farm

I should add that there are no wounds around their noses (nose holes) to indicate pecking.  The blood actually seems to be coming from within their little nose holes.  Like a bloody nose.  They do have hay for bedding, and there is no wire in the pen, (it's all wood).  Any new suggestions?

Pheasant Hollow Farm:

--- Quote from: soniadaniel on July 03, 2007, 10:15:38 AM ---I should add that there are no wounds around their noses (nose holes) to indicate pecking.  The blood actually seems to be coming from within their little nose holes.  Like a bloody nose.  They do have hay for bedding, and there is no wire in the pen, (it's all wood).  Any new suggestions?

--- End quote ---

Not off hand. Post a picture of your brooder, and one with of bird, with the bloody nose.

Have any of the birds died lately? How do they feel, do the seem plump?

Pheasant Hollow Farm


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