If interested: thought I'd try and help out on native plant speices. The idea would be to mix in desert succulent shrubs, floral diversity, forbs and grasses that would work with very little human intervention. A permenament water source if possible would be a big plus but they will locate water else where.
Quail Unlimited are installing <a href="
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLJ,GGLJ:2006-27,GGLJ:en&q=how+to+make+guzzlers+for+wildlife">Guzzlers[/url] for wildlife in your area. Which is nothing more then a source of water.
Desert Succulent Shrubs habitats have greater
floral diversity and structural complexity than most surrounding areas. These characteristics result in greater animal densities and more wildlife species than in adjacent habitats.
Associated plants also include Baccharis glutinosa, Atriplex, Acacia, Prosopis, Opuntia, and Yucca. - Lotus, Lupinus, Astragalus, and Erodium are important for
Gambel and
California quail - Succulent forbs and grasses are highly favored when available.
Mojave Desert Grasses Common name Scientific name
Big Galleta Hilaria rigida
Indian Rice Grass Oryzopsis hymenoides
Bush Muhly Muhlenbergia porteri
Fluff Grass Erioneuron pulchella
Red Brome Bromus rubens
Desert Needle Stipa speciosa
Desert Succulent Shrubs Such as ocotillo, Mojave yucca, desert agave, buckhorn cholla, teddybear cholla, branched pencil cholla, beavertail pricklypear, grizzlybear pricklypear, hedgehog barrel cactus, barrel cactus, fishhook cactus, hedgehog cactus, and saguaro.
Desert insects thought I'd throw in
The Food Chain and your local
PredatorsHere is a
list of nurseries. Some deal with native plants, native seed and restoration in the state of California and nation wide. It may not be the best list or wanted but it's a place to to start to ask more questions.
These are in pdf format with a little info on
Gambel Quail and
California Quail by DFG. They are not very detailed but they do give the basic's.
Another link to
California Quail