That Quail Place Forum

Hunting Gamebirds => Hunting Gamebirds => Topic started by: travis m harvey on February 29, 2008, 08:46:31 PM

Title: raising and realeasing quail.
Post by: travis m harvey on February 29, 2008, 08:46:31 PM
i'm going to be raising and  realeasing around 200 quail in north west oklahoma. Any tipps?
Title: Re: raising and realeasing quail.
Post by: DoubleL911 on March 02, 2008, 08:05:15 AM
Lots of variables here.
Age at release time.
What they have been fed while captive.
Type of water system they are used to.
Were they fed gritt , so they will be able to digest native seeds.
BIG --- How isolated from man have they been kept , so they keep some of their Will instincts.
The more you are around Bob Whites the tamer they get ,and the easier it it for a predator to get them.

Larry Lain
Title: Re: raising and realeasing quail.
Post by: Equismith on March 02, 2008, 08:39:51 AM
I came across this on another website just today...