Raising Gamebirds > Build It Yourself

Pheasant Breeder Pens


I'd like to here from the folks on here what they have or consider adequate Breeder pen size for say a pair or trio of Ringnecks/other type True Pheasants.  I currently have various sizes , 8 X 12,  12 X 16, even two that are 8 X 32.  I'm looking at building more pens (can we ever have enough?) and would like to get as many pens for the amount of space but yet I want to not crowd them and have them feel comfortable. 

Here are my options   8 x 16, 12 X 12 (would get one less pen in the amount of space I have) or even 8 X 12?.

What are your thoughts???


No matter what size any one tells you to build there will be those on here that will tell you that the information is wrong.So just build the pens so that your birds are comfertable and they suit you.


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