Raising Gamebirds > Brooding and Raising

Introducing young birds into flight pen with adults


Stellar Vizslas:
Hi all, my name is Penny and I'm new to raising quail.  Actually I wasn't planning on it initially.  I got 30 quail last Fall to train my bird dogs but after the season I still had some left and well, each step I took to care for them lead me to where I am now.  I build a flight pen based on instructions I found at http://www.quailranch-ok.com/  And much to my surprise they started laying eggs and I thought I'd go ahead and incubate them and see what happens.  Well I've now got about 50 chicks of various ages/sizes.  I have the babies is pens inside the house, then older chicks in a pen in an outbuilding (protected from the weather) but I'm needing to eventually move them all to the flight pen (measures 12' x 16' x 8' (H) ).  Am I going to have problems with the adults accepting the new arrivals?  What can I do to make this work?  The number of adults in the flight pen now are 6 males and 6 females.

Look here:


What kind of quail do you have?    Bobwhites will kill the invaders in no time flat.


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